Мои дорогие посетители, я очень рада видеть вас на моей страничке. Я люблю вышивать котиков и собрала небольшую коллекцию, которую вы и можете тут увидеть. Но этот блог я обновляю не часто, буду рада если вы посетите мой основной блог, в котором я показываю все свои работы.

My dear visitors, I am very glad to see you on my page. Here I collect all my cross-stitched pictures with cats, because I really like them. I don't update this blog so often, and I will be very happy if you find a little time to see my current journal here (my main blog). Anyway you are very welcome to visit any of my blogs.

August 7, 2007

Cats and Kittens in Cross Stitch Picture

“Trio Kittens”
Designed by Julie Hasler

From book:
“Cuddly Cats and Kittens in Cross Stitch"
Counted Cross Stitch

“Kitten and Butterfly”
Designed by Martha Edwards

Matted Accents
Counted Cross Stitch Kit
6” x 4”

"The Apple Basket"
Designed by: Red Farm Studio

Counted Cross Stitch Kit
7” x 5”

"Cats, Books, & Candle"
Designed by: Nancy Rossi

From Book:
"Donna Kooler’s Seasons in Cross-Stitch"
Counted Cross Stitch
8” x 10”


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are darling! I especially like "Cats, Books and Candle".


Anonymous said...

I like your works with the cats.
Well done.

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I especially like the one with the bookcase. Good job!

Christine said...

Very nice! Your stitching is gorgeous, great work!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful stitching and one of my favourite subjects. I dearly love the Cats Books and Candle one, the colours are great.

Unknown said...

Your pictures are very beautiful!!! Very sweet. Ich like them very much! Great work!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Nur said...

Hi there. I really love this piece entitled 'Cats, books and candles'. I can't seem to find the book which you took this from and I was wondering if you still have the original layout?

Would you mind sharing it with me? =) It's such a beautiful piece.